Twin Tower City is satire. Characters are fictional. Content should not be taken seriously.
Twin Tower City NFTs are intended as collectible items for individual enjoyment only. They are not investment vehicles. NFT prices can be extremely volatile. Cryptocurrency price fluctuations can positively and negatively impact the value of your NFTs. We make no promise or guarantee that the NFTs will rise in value or maintain their original value. You agree that the NFTs have no inherent monetary value and should be treated as nothing more than collectibles.
Nothing presented here should be considered business, legal, or financial advice, or an invitation to enter into an agreement for any investment purpose. No element is intended to be an offering of securities in any jurisdiction, nor does it constitute an offer or an invitation to purchase shares, securities, or other financial products. It remains your sole and exclusive responsibility to assure that the purchase and sale of NFTs, and the use of cryptocurrencies, complies with laws and regulations in your jurisdiction and any other applicable jurisdictions.
All sales are final and non-refundable. While the Twin Tower City team has published a roadmap outlining future goals and plans for development, we cannot guarantee to accomplish any of these tasks, as ideas and projects evolve organically. You agree that a Twin Tower City NFT is the only thing you will receive with your purchase. Any potential future benefits are ancillary to this purchase and not to be taken into consideration with your initial purchase. You agree that you are not relying on any future commitments by the Twin Tower City team when purchasing an NFT.
Any aspect of this project may be abandoned or restructured, become or remain technologically or commercially unsuccessful, or be shut down for any reason, including, but not limited to, lack of public interest, legislative, regulatory, or other legal changes, lack of funding, and lack of commercial success. There is no guarantee that any NFT you purchase will have the expected value or any value at all. You should understand and accept that owning and using NFTs is very risky, and that they may be or become unusable or worthless.
You acknowledge and agree that your purchase and/or sale of NFTs and use of cryptocurrency is at your own risk, and we cannot be held responsible or liable if applicable law restricts or prohibits your access to, or ability to purchase and/or sell NFTs. You assume all risks associated with using a cryptocurrency including, but not limited to, the risk of hardware, software, and internet connection issues, the risk of malicious software introduction, and the risk that third parties may obtain unauthorized access to information stored within your wallet.
NFTs, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology are relatively new, and the regulatory landscape is unsettled. New regulations could negatively impact such technologies, impacting the value of your NFTs. You understand and accept all risk in that regard. You assume all responsibility for any adverse effects of disruptions or other issues impacting the Ethereum or Polygon platforms.
You agree to waive any class action status, and any legal dispute you may choose to bring can only be done on an individual basis.
If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should not use this website or the NFTs in any manner whatsoever.