Twin Tower City Battle Cards are randomly generated. Each card depicts one of 17 Dark or Light environments, one of 17 Light Warriors wielding one of 17 Light Items, and one of 17 Dark Warriors wielding one of 17 Dark Items. Each Warrior and Item has a Power Value ranging from 3 (weak) to 9 (strong) and a Rarity Value ranging from 17 (common) to 1 (rare). Weaker items are common. Stronger items are rare.

The 17 environments range from soaring cityscapes, to inner city slums, spectacular forests, mountains, and oceans. Each of the 17 environments includes 8+ locations, for a total of 136+ unique battlegrounds. All artwork is 100% original. No stock images are used.

Items gain a Bonus Power Value when wielded by a specific Warrior. For example, the False Flag Item gains a +5 Bonus if wielded by Crazy Vodka. The Big Mike Item gains a +5 Bonus if wielded by Renegade. The Muzzle Item gains a +5 Bonus if wielded by Pedro Peter.

Items also gain a Bonus Value when used against a specific foe. For example, the Virus Item gains a +5 Bonus if wielded against Don Triumph. If the Virus Item is wielded by Doctor Sickle against Don Triumph, then it gains a +10 Bonus (+5 for the specific wielder and +5 against the specific foe).

The forces of Darkness and Light are reasonably balanced. The forces of Light have some slightly stronger Warriors and Items than the forces of Darkness, but they are also slightly more rare, so overall the forces are roughly equal in power, leading to balanced games. The rules are explained in more detail on the Gameplay Page.

The tables below list the Dark and Light Environments, Warriors, and Items. Some names and images will not be fully revealed until the NFTs are minted.

All characters and environments are fictional. Any similarity to real persons is purely coincidental.